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  • Writer's pictureSagar Sreekumar Pillai

During one of my weekend rides, I found this gem hidden deep in Thrissur. It's a beautiful place called Chokkana. As usual, I kicked off my ride from Kochi at 4am and reached Amballur Junction on the NH 47 (now known as NH 544) at around 6am. I had a friend of mine, Ananthu Shilin waiting for me there as promised. Being a resident for years, it was Ananthu who suggested me this spot. I resumed my ride with Ananthu leading me on his RE Classic 500. We reached the foot of Muniyattukunn Hillock by around 6:15am and parked our bikes there. We climbed to the top as quickly as possible, as I knew if we wasted any more time, the view is gonna change. The view I had imagined that is. Upon reaching the top, the first thing I saw was my own shadow in front of me. Breathing heavily due to the climb, I turned around to have a look at the Sun and the view from top. Upon turning, I saw golden rays of the Sun over the higher mountains afar, with fog at it's foot spread over the lush green trees. I was breathless ; the view took more breath out of me than the climb itself. Ofcourse, Ananthu was staring at me with a smile as this was a common place for him. We just sat there till 7am and explored the Hillock a little more where we found a Muniyara ; it's a stone structure used by sages to meditate or be buried in olden days. That's how the Hillock got the name "Muniyattukunn". And we got down to where our bikes were parked by around 8am and throttled onto the next place.....


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